Quaterly Compliances Under RERA - Bashmakh & CO

MahaRERA shall implement "Financial Quarter Based Project Progress Reporting System" for all MahaRERA registered real estate projects. Promoters shall file Quarterly Progress Reports (QPR) as per Financial Quarters within 7 days of the Quarter End (Due Dates will be every 7th day of July, October, January and April respectively). The first financial quarter based QPR will be due to be filled by 15th August, 2021 for all registered projects (for April May June Quarter) irrespective of the date of their last QPR filled.

What are the compliances under RERA?

 Promoters are compulsorily required to update their project quarterly. They should ensure the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act 2016.

The Maharashtra Real Estate Authority (MahaRERA) vide its Order No. 18/2021 dated 28th July 2021 has made QUARTERLY UPDATES for each project COMPULSORY.

The Order further states that the non-compliance shall be strictly responded with PENAL ACTION.

It has further described in its order as follows:

MahaRERA shall implement "Financial Quarter Based Project Progress Reporting System" for all MahaRERA registered real estate projects. Promoters shall file Quarterly Progress Reports (QPR) as per Financial Quarters within 7 days of the Quarter End (Due Dates will be every 7th day of July, October, January and April respectively). The first financial quarter based QPR will be due to be filled by 15th August, 2021 for all registered projects (for April May June Quarter) irrespective of the date of their last QPR filled.

Promoter shall provide Quarterly updates on the following:

i. Increment Changes in various building plan approvals.

ii. Status of the Project: Physical and Financial Progress of the Project along with Form l, Form 2, Form 2A and Form 3 for the quarter'

iii. Form 5 shall be submitted in the concerned quarter i.e Quarter II.

iv. Form 4 to be uploaded, if applicable.



1. Web Generated Notice shall be issued immediately.

2. if no response is received within 10 days - Chief Planning Officer will call the promoter for hearing and penalty will be levied.

We are doing RERA Registration in Thane

The author can be reached at

Mobile: 8898704682

Email: heena.bashmakh@gmail.com


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